March 25, 2010

connections planning in action

Connections planning´s rep has been put on the spot, first it was a boom and now some question its existence and survival. I am for taking things with a pinch of salt but I also believe in balance, so I wanted to share these examples that have caught my eye during my new commuting routine in Madrid.

In my opinion both are a great case in point of connections planning, seamlessly fitting products and services in people´s lifestyle, parting from the following data: Madrid is the city with most public transportation commmuters in the country (50% vs a 21% nation average).

  • BiblioMetro by the city of Madrid, makes borrowing and returning books a no hassle by setting up these futuristic looking library booths inside major subway stations. Culture to and on-the go.

  • Madrid Publishers Association´s Libros a la calle initiative has a commercial side but is still applaudable. One-page book excerpts are displayed inside train wagons in the simple form of an adhesive sheet. This simple action promotes authors while acting like magnet for bored commuters. What I like the most about it is that it educates in creating habit while increasing sales for their novels, all without being in-your-face intrusive or interrupting.    

Very nice Madrid,  + 100 points.