August 13, 2009

On the importance of the 6 senses

- Look. There's Saturn. Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun...How many of the satellites of Saturn can you name? There's Mimas, Titan, Dione, Hyperion of course...

- I can't name any of them and fortunately they never come up in conversation.

- Sigh... Facts. I got a million facts at my fingertips.

- That's right. And they don't meant a thing, Because nothing worth knowing can be understood with the mind. Everything really valuable has to enter through a different opening... forgive the disgusting imagery. The brain is overrated.

Manhattan, Allen

August 12, 2009

the essence of the American Culture

Richard Avedon (1923-2004) was an American Photographer and pioneer in the field of fashion and portrait photography. He brought new life to the portrait genre with his highly defined black and white portraits in which the very essence of his subjects seemed captured. He was notorious for his famous subjects: Marilyn Monroe, Andy Warhol, The Beatles, President Eisenhower and long etcetera.

But he was also a cultural anthropologist. In his exhibits you can see decades of American culture pass through your eyes as if he had also captured the essence of the American culture.

You can enjoy the work of this master at the current SFMOMA exhibit or here

August 10, 2009

getting in (the ad world)

In such an unstable and competitive industry... How could employers reward (not abuse) creativity?