Most of us have seen the Internet gain a very dominant role in our lives over the past decade, so it is hard to imagine a life without it. We have accepted that the oh-so-powerful web will write the present and future of our modern societies.
However there are some who live outside, I am not talking about those who cannot access or understand the technology but those who choose a life free from it.
Below is a fragment of a conversation I had during my short island getaway in Fuerteventura,
"Social media is the ultimate reflection of the technological dictatorship we are living, it marginates everyone who does not submit to it [...] It creates relationships that are artificial and superficial [...] Networks are non-stop demanding, insatiable, and what started out as a game ends up turning into an obligation, they become no fun at all."
Of course this is taken out of context and may sound a bit strong but the arguments given by my social media skeptic friends were rational, informed and part of me have felt related to them before. If, as some have predicted, social media will peak and then slowly decline (and as the army of outliers grow) it amuses me to imagine a life– and consequently relationships– beyond it.